Recent Blogs

At Inspiring Care we are proud of helping people to access supports and services at time of need regardless of whether they are eligible for the NDIS or not. We can connect you with appropriate services that are most suitable for you, yet at no cost to you. Call us today and we may be able to assist you with accessing other government funded services and supports.

Addressing Challenging Behaviours: The Role of NDIS Behaviour Support Teams

NDIS participants face many challenges throughout their lives and require different types of services to ensure good and enjoyable lives. Many NDIS participants also go through behavioural challenges that make it difficult for them to communicate and socialise with other people very often. Some might have fewer behavioural challenges than others, but all of them [...]

Quality Care and Beyond: What to Expect from an NDIS Service Provider in Brisbane

With so many options available, it can be daunting to choose an NDIS service provider. As a new participant, you might find it difficult to understand what things you should look for in a service provider. NDIS has become extremely popular in the last few years, and with its growing popularity, it is natural that [...]

How NDIS Home Care Supports Your Physical and Mental Health

Mental and physical health both hold grave importance in the eyes of NDIS. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funds different types of support services for each participant to ensure that they receive the right form of treatment and grow towards their goals. NDIS home care in Brisbane helps participants become strong both mentally and [...]

Building a Strong Support Network: How Support Coordination Enhances Your NDIS Plan

Your NDIS plan needs to have support coordination to help you implement the supports in your NDIS plan. It is one of the services funded under NDIS that helps participants reach their goals and become independent. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a disability program that aims to help people with significant disabilities in [...]

NDIS Planning Meeting

When is a good time to start planning? You will receive a letter to tell you about the access decision. If you are advised that you have met eligibility for the scheme this is a good time to start planning for your meeting. You will also be contacted by a LAC or a representative of [...]

Eligibility for supports

How do I know if I am eligible for the NDIS? Are you aged between 7 and 65? If your answer is a ‘Yes’, then you might be eligible. You must be under 65 to access the NDIS. Call us and we may be able to help you if you find other government funded supports [...]

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