Assistance with Daily Personal Activities
Everyday personal and home care is a vital step to living independently at home, which is why we provide access to personal services. We can provide you assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life to develop your skills to live as autonomously as possible.
High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
There are two levels of supports for people requiring assistance with daily activities: Standard and Higher Intensity. High Intensity Supports are where specialised, more skilled, or more experienced support workers may be required to deliver supports to some participants who need it.
In-home Respite Care
If you are a carer or family and need a break to recharge your energy and increase your capacity to keep providing care, we can help you. Our In-home Respite care provides you with peace of mind, knowing that your family member is being well cared for by our screened and qualified support workers.
Our support worker will come to your home and take over your duties so that you can have a rest.
Assistance with Travel / Transport Arrangements
We can provide you travel and transport services by our qualified support workers who can drive you around or accompany you out into the community using their insured and registered vehicles. This will enable you to do things like shopping trips, social events, or transport to medical appointments.
Community Nursing Care
Community nursing aims to support and maintain patient independence, safety, and healthy lifestyle, at the same time as providing assistance to carers.
Our Registered Nurses work with you and your family to help prevent disease, maintain health, and treat any existing health problems.
Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement
We provide you assistance with, or supervision of, tasks of daily life in a shared living environment, with a focus on developing the skills of you to live as autonomously as possible. The support is provided to you living in the shared arrangement in accordance with your need.
Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
We provide individual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation. We support you to develop everyday life skills that increase independence and control. By focusing on your own specific goals, we can support you to gain the skills you need to achieve greater independence, confidence, and control.
Participation in Community, Social, and Civil Activities
We can support you to access and engage with your community, whether you want to further your goals and interests, work, study or simply socialise.
We can arrange transport, accompany you and provide any personal support you require while out.
Innovative Community Participation
We support you to build skills to actively participate in your community. Through side-by-side practice, the program involves highly skilled workers who assist you to expand your opportunities for community participation and employment. Our experienced staff adopt a capacity-building, community-based approach by working with you in your local community to increase the likelihood of uptake and successful transition away from the service to informal supports and/or employment.
Therapeutic Supports
Our qualified social workers offer expertise to help you and your families identify needs, and facilitate emotional, social, and practical support.
Our social workers inspire and empower you to achieve your life goals while helping to provide safety and stability during times of hardship.
Support Connection (Level 1)
We provide tailored assistance with an orientation to help you source and connect to services that meet your needs. Our Support Connection service assists you to implement your plan by strengthening your ability to connect with the broader systems of supports and to understand the purpose of the funded supports. Support Connection assists you to understand your NDIS plan, connect you with broader systems of supports, and provide assistance to connect with providers.